Sunday, May 18, 2008

This, That and the Other

Summer is here!  We spent just over three hours at the pool today with Stephanie, Mark, Virginia and Roth.  We spent the time talking about everyone's plans for the near future and I'm so excited for my friends and all the exciting changes they have ahead of them.  The only bad part of the day is that I now look like a lobster.  Bright red and sunburned.  I've already mentally tried to plan what I can wear to work tomorrow that will make me look less than ridiculous.  I'm not coming up with much.

Speaking of work, we have a new Marketing Coordinator starting on Wednesday.  I am so excited to have a new face in the office!  On Friday, my coworker and I spent the entire workday rearranging our office furniture, cleaning out our desks and weeding through the files on our old Marketing girl's computer.  Today I went to Ikea and bought cute new lamps for our newly cleaned desks.  I hope it will really 'brighten' the place up.

Saturday Mark and I were in Muenster, helping my parents prepare for the graduation party next weekend.  Well, Mark really did the bulk of the help.  He and my dad spent eleven hours outside, creating a garden and leveling out the yard behind the house.  I watched a lot and brought them cold beers when they looked like they might die.  I also planned menus and decorations with my mom and made a few trips to Home Depot to buy flowers and supplies.  I think its going to be a great time next weekend!

Gus and I are watching HGTV, our usual pre-bed activity.  The weekend feels like it went by too fast, so I'm glad we have a long weekend ahead of us!  Best wishes to everyone for a speedy work week and a great Memorial Day!

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