Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lazy {Snow} Day

Up here in the burbs, we are getting some pretty decent snow today! We have about 4 inches stacked up on the fence and back patio chairs, and the entire yard and streets are covered in perfect white. Seeing as how this happens only about once a year, I've got the blinds on every window pulled up so we can watch it fall. It would be really nice if it all stuck around tonight and froze before the morning so I can get a day off, but I'm not counting on it. It seems as if down closer to Dallas there is virtually nothing on the ground, so my school's probably just fine. Oh well.

So I'm down two pounds this week! I was really excited to see that my week of eating well and working out did in fact make a difference. I am all set to keep with it this week, although I'm afraid I might have regained those two little pounds last night. We went out with some friends and drank wine, ate Italian food, and snacked on M&M's. I [reluctantly] calculated all the points I consumed this morning and will have to be better this week to make up for it. Some trips to the gym are in order!

We took the Christmas decorations down today and everything is boxed up in the attic..... except for the tree itself. It might stand around for another week or so, but at least some good progress was made today. We've got chili in the crock pot and football on TV. A perfect, snowy Sunday.

1 comment:

sara [at] journey of doing said...

Your day sounds a lot like mine... sans 4 inches. I was hoping for a snow day too though. :(

My body is not cooporating with workouts and eating well. :(