Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today was a rough morning. It started with the rain. If you live in Dallas, you know what I'm talking about. This wasn't just your everyday summer rainstorm. This was a serious torrential downpour/thunderstorm/lightening storm that lasted a good 18 hours. The last thing I wanted was to climb out of bed and go to work in this weather! But.. I did. I took the "late shift" at work today (8-3, as opposed to the 7-2 I've been working this week) so I needed to leave by about 7:40. I put on my raincoat with the hood and packed my purse into a bigger canvas bag so it wouldn't get drenched, opted to change into tennis shoes instead of my standard summer uniform flip flops, and grabbed a frozen meal for lunch out of the freezer. I was getting ready to walk out to door a little after 7:30, to allow for some extra time since I knew traffic would be a mess, when I heard a weird sound. I went to investigate and discovered that water was leaking down from my bathroom ceiling! Like, big time. I paniced. Threw some towels on the ground and watched them immeadiately get soaked, then ran to get three different pots to start collecting the water. I called my apartment office and got the machine.. they don't open until nine, but if this is an emergency, I can leave a message and someone will be paged or something. I looked at the waterfall coming out of my roof and opted to leave the message. Then I called the office to let them know I wouldn't be in on time, since I had to empty out the rapidly filling pots every five minutes or so.

About twenty minutes later, a maintenence guy comes and looks at the flooding water and overflowing pots, then tells me he has to go get a screwdriver, he'll be right back. I'm thinking.. you didn't even bring your tools?! He comes back and opens the panel above my shower, where he determines the water is coming from the bathroom above me. He leaves again, this time for about 30 minutes, and returns to tell me it was a leak from the unit above mine and that he confirmed with the resident up there that he took a bath this morning at about the time the water started flowing down on me. Uh.. gross. Some stranger's bathwater poured all over my shower, floor, towels, rug, everything? I'll be doing some major bleaching when I get home today!

You might remember this isn't the first time this has happened to me.. oh no, I flooded last summer as well. Sigh. I am so ready to get out of this apartment!

1 comment:

sara [at] journey of doing said...

um, I remember that Thursday. I stayed in bed... for a myriad of reasons... one being the rain.

That SUCKS though... ugh. I hate apartment living... the end of yours is in sight though!!