Sunday, May 3, 2009

Listy, Version 2.0

Has it really been two weeks since I've posted? I'm a bad blogger. Here's why:

* Went to Bartlesville this weekend, to hang out with Mark's parents and eat a lot of good food. We watched movies, read books, napped on the couch, drove around and looked at houses, hit up the newest restaurant in Bville, watched the rain, watched the Derby and just relaxed. It was almost like a real vacation.

* Went to Muenster last weekend for Germanfest. We had eight people and six dogs at the house. I'll have to post a picture of our attempt at a "Dog Family Photo" with all six of them sitting together. But I haven't even uploaded them off my camera yet. Food consumed at Germanfest: kettle corn, brats, kraut, cabbage, potatoes, grilled corn, funnel cake, tator twisters, margaritas and a lot of beer.

* Mark took his test!!!! He feels good about it and is daring to see he is pretty confident that he will do well when he gets his score back. It's been nice getting to hang out with him more when he's not studying. It even feels weird to just sit around and watch TV without him having a book open.

* Goose cat is still as cute as ever.

* Our summer calendar is already filling up. In the next four weeks we are going to Austin twice and to Possum Kingdom once. I can't wait to get to the lake and sit on a boat while I soak up the sun! It's my favorite part of summer.

* China is officially off. I've tried to plan numerous other vacations in the past few weeks: cruise, Destin, Kansas City, California, North Carolina - but they are all ending up in a dead end. I'm not giving up on my big summer plans yet though. Just today I was trying to sell Mark on a weekend getaway to the Gaylord Texan. At this point, I will take anything!

* Tomorrow we are having an "office retreat" at work to plan for next year. We are meeting at my boss's house and are supposed to come with all our ideas to make next year our best ever. I'm looking forward to a day out of the office, even though I am coming off a 3 day weekend. Sigh.

* Gus is staring at me. He always gets very whiny when I've been out of town for a few days. He demands all my attention and wants to play a lot. He's making my feel uber guilty right now.

1 comment:

sara [at] journey of doing said...

Yay! Amanda's back! All weekend I was thinking I needed to email you and ask about the exam, but I don't have an iphone, so by the time I got to my computer, the thought was longggggg gone.

I can help you plan something! I'm really good at that. :) Just last week I got my cousin re-booked from Mexico to the Caymans... and they're having a great time! Don't give up yet!

Again, why does everyone get 3 day weekends but me????

I want to see pictures of a dog family photo. Upload them. Nowishly. :)