Friday, March 20, 2009


Happy first day of spring! It's snowing in NYC, which I am watching on the Today show. Today is my last day of Spring Break. Where did this week go?? It feels like it should be Tuesday, not Friday already. Holidays always go so quick.

I spent the first part of this week in Ballinger (think small town, west Texas) where my grandparents live. My mom, aunt and sisters all rode together for this girls weekend. We also brought the two puppies, who, after a first rough hour in the car (puppies do get carsick, in case you were wondering), were wonderful travelers. These little pups are my new best friends. They are so smart and so cute and just smile up at you whenever you play with them. I love puppies.

There's not a whole lot to do in Ballinger. We tried to hit up the town and its shops on Monday, but virtually everything was closed. We made a trip to the "big city" San Angelo on Tuesday and hit up the mall. The entire mall is the size of Macy's at the Galleria, but it gave us something to do. My aunt bought my sisters and I some adorable purses on the sale wrack at JCP and mom got us all new undies at the 7/$25 VS sale. So we didn't make out too bad. We had a pajama party at grandma's house one night, played some Cranium, and took 4 mile walks every morning. I even managed to hold out on the immense amount of cookies and cupcakes that Grandma always provides. One of each a day isn't too bad, eh?

Now that I'm back home, its laundry and unpacking. Joy. I sent most of yesterday shopping for Mark's birthday next week. Then I actually wrapped everything, so i am all set. Today is my dad's birthday. Mom called last night with dinner plans to celebrate Dad and Mark, so we are heading up to Whitesboro tonight (?) to meet them for dinner at some Longhorn restaurant my sister found on the highway. Then there's not much in store for this weekend's plans. Mark wants to study all day every day, so I'm mostly on my own.

I going to be a rock star today and get in an early morning run. The new plan is 5 cardios per week and 2 strength training sessions. I'm on week 2 and so far, so good. It does help to not have work get in the way of these plans, so next week will get tough again. But the nice weather we've been having makes it impossible to not want to get outside and do something!

Ok. This concludes this random post. It's good to be home. The laundry is calling.


Sara Elizabeth said...

Um hello. We should hang out. :)

I'm contemplating an early run, too... but 5:30 sounds miserable, doesn't it? Boo.

Sounds like fun -- Ballinger is tiny... Been through there a few times, and I think we stopped for lunch.

I want a spring break.

Sara Elizabeth said...

Ooops, I just realized that I'm signed in under my photography email.

Either way, Sara Elizabeth is Sara Elizabeth.