Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day

Labor Day weekend was spent in Bartlesville, visiting Mark's parents. On Monday morning we made a quick trip to Stillwater, to surprise my sister. I called her boyfriend and coordinated with him so that me, Mark and his dogs showed up at her door for lunch. After some OK Mexican Food, we took all the dogs swimming at the lake. Mark's two labs learned to swim here when he was in college, and we were going to teach Wes's dog Finn to do the same.

Turns out Finn is a big baby! He can do all sorts of tricks, but he was too scared to ever jump off the dock into the water. He would wade in until he couldn't touch anymore, then he would turn back. After an hour of trying, we finally gave up! I guess he's just not meant to swim!

Take a look at the video I made that sums up our afternoon at the lake.

Swimming Lessons from Amanda on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG that is hilarious and brilliant all at the same time! Looks like someone is using iMovie on their mac? :) Well Done Amanda Spielberg! Especially love the credits-LOL you are funny. xoxo!