Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Oh, how I love thee. My newest purchase? Season One of Gossip Girl, pre-ordered a month ago, just arrived in my mailbox today. I have never seen a single episode of this show, until just now. I am loving it already. Oh high school.

I find it humorous that the boys ride the city bus to school. Shouldn't they have drivers or something? Jags? and OMG Serena didn't get invited to the Kiss and Tell Party, or whatever its called. I can tell that this is going to be good. I vow to be all caught up by the time season 2 rolls around in September.


Anonymous said...

The only teen saga tv show I got into was Dawson...until Laguna came along. :) enjoy your Amazon purchase!

Anonymous said...

I love gossip girl!! its one of my favs!