Six months (and one day) ago, Hubs and I got married. Seemed like a good enough reason to post some wedding photos! I'll start out with some pre-wedding pics today, and then add some more later this week. Enjoy :)

The girls got to the church first, and staked out our area.

With the help of my entourage, I put my dress on (in front of a small crowd of people). What you can't see in this picture, is the attractive pair of spanx I was wearing. Hello, wedding night!

Mark had his brother deliver a gift up to the girls' room before the ceremony. It was a beautiful engraved jewelry box filled with all these little cards on which Mark had written out reasons he loved me (le sigh). Well, I didn't go down through them all and packed it away to look at later. Cue to us up on the alter during the mass, and Mark leans over and whispers to ask if I looked at the bottom of the box. I was like yes, I looked all the way through them! And he was like, no I don't think you did. Turns out there was a diamond necklace at the bottom of the jewelry box that i totally missed! He thought maybe I didn't like it, since I wasn't wearing it during the wedding. Psh! What's not to love about diamonds?!

My girls hung out during the prepping.

It rained (for the first time in MONTHS) all morning on wedding day. I had a lady come to my parents' house and curl my hair before we went to the church, but the humidity and weather took a toll on it. So my friend (who anchors the news in Kansas City and has the best hairspray EVER) re-curled it all before everything got started!

Meanwhile, the boys arrived and were hanging out in the church. I sent my gift to Mark down to them, which was this collage of pictures, tickets, receipts, emails, etc. from our time dating (yes, i save pretty much every. single. thing)

I also gifted Hubs these snazzy new shades, just in time for our beach honeymoon.

As go-time got closer, some b-maids checked out the crowd in the church. The "bride's room" was actually the old choir loft up in the back upstairs of the church, so we had a good ariel view of guests arriving and filling the pews.

Our little ring bearer got some last minute pointers from his Mom...

And Mark hung out with Jesus, while holding some flowers.

Mark's little cousins passed out the programs...

I came down to take my place...

And Dad and I got ready to go!
1 comment:
OMG. I die. I absolutely DIE over Mark's gift to you. I LOVE IT. And I love what you did for him.
And I love the wedding pics. More please!
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