I went to the gym (wait for it).... 3 days in a row! I would have gone last night to make it 4, but I didn't get home until after 7:00 and was just too tired. So I watched two episodes of I Used to Be Fat instead. That's almost like going to the gym, right?
Back in the day, I was a fairly frequent gym attender. I went to classes several times per week and would get totally annoyed in January when suddenly there were three times as many people in them. And now, I am that annoying person. I am a Gym Resolutioner. On Wednesday I went to the pilates class at my gym. I have never in my life been to a class at this gym, since I've only belonged there since moving after getting married and, let's be honest, I've been like twelve times total since then and have stuck to the machines. So the pilates class starts at 6:30 and the website says to come early, especially if you are new to the class. So I show up at about 6:15 and wander down the hall to the assigned room and sit outside the door. There is one older guy (like in his 50's older) waiting too. 6:27 rolls around and I start to get nervous that I am in the wrong room because Where are all the other Gym Resolutioners?! 6:35ish, the instructor shows up and opens the door. There are a whopping four of us in the class, and I am the lone Resolutioner. As in the only new kid in the class. The other 3 people are all at least 20 years older then me, and obvi come every week because they were all comparing their weeks and asking about one of the lady's son's wedding in Connecticut over the weekend. At this point I totally want to bail but can't because I am the lone New Kid, who is clearly here to kick off her New Year Resolution and I can't just walk about like I got scared or something. So I go though an hour of the slowest pilates class ever. I guess they tone it down for the 50+ crowd around here. But I am a little sore today, so it must have done some good.
Today there was this big huge strawberry cake at work for all the January birthdays. I had a (rather large) piece and I'm not even feeling guilty. It was soooo good. But, I might have to hit up another Senior Pilates class this weekend.
Yesterday after work I did some shopping (hence not making it to the gym) and OMGyouguys. I found some awesome sales. Like at [my number one favorite store ever] Loft, I found this precious black dress for $19.99. But it was 40% off all sale, so it rang up for $11.88. The girl checking me out had to double check the price on another register because she didn't believe it was ringing up correctly. I think it was regularly $98. I tried to find a picture online of the dress, but it must be sold out online. It's a cute little black dress with these poufs on the sleeves, which I realize sounds very 80's but really it is just adorbs. I think it will be making some appearances this summer when I'm sporting a tan and attending fancy parties (that will happen, right?).
I know it's only January 7 and it isn't even that late yet, but we still have ALL the Christmas decorations up (tree included) at our house. I have zero motivation to take it all down. The tree is in the front living room, which we never even go into, so it's not like it's really staring me in the face every day saying "put me back in the attic..." The stockings are even still hanging on the mantle. Bleh. Decorating for the holidays, I'm all about. Putting it all away, not so much. Will someone just come do it for me? I'll pay you in Lean Cuisines and low-cal popcorn. I seem to have a lot of it in the pantry these days.
Happy weekend, my friends. My first weigh-in since starting WW is tomorrow. Let's hope I'm down at least one measly pound!