(click to make bigger... this is impossible to read!)

Leave it to Facebook to make me feel extra-loved :)
The always-fun Mary Beth has been staying over all weekend. It's a slumber party straight out of sixth grade. We busted out the KitchenAid for its maiden voyage and made a cake that tastes more like a crepe (I'm still working on perfecting my kitchen skills). The best part is that MB has helped us unpack and get things settled at home. She took on the piles of boxes I have been ignoring for months, and forced me to give all kinds of stuff to Good Will/the trash can (what do you mean I can't keep this planner from 2005-2006?!). It's been a good weekend. I'll have to post some before and after pics soon!
"busted out the KitchenAid for its maiden voyage..." i like that
LOVE you much!
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