As I mentioned yesterday, this weekend some friends and I are throwing a Bachelorette party for our BFF and Bride to Be, Royale. We're meeting up with a bunch of ladies in Austin, where we have a hotel room and some great activities planned for Saturday night. We divided up the planning responsibilities among the five hostesses, and I took on decorations and party games.
Since the B-ette party ended up being in the middle of December, we decided to give it a silly Christmas theme, complete with holiday sweaters, Christmas cocktails, reindeer antlers and gifs under the tree. I decided to go old school with my crafts for the decor, using - you guessed it - glitter and Elmer's glue. Remember when all your crafts consisted of glitter and glue? Well, its a little messier than I remembered, and Mark's living room floor may have a hint of sparkle for the next several weeks, but I made (slightly shaky) personalized stockings for all the guests, with the bride's name glittered in gold. Some of these took me about four tries of wiping off the glue and starting over again, but alas, here they are!
Next up, I decided to hit up the Christmas aisle in Walmart for some inexpensive holiday decor. Eight dollars later, I had three strands of twinkle lights and thirty feet of tinsel. Eight dollars! That's my kind of price! I felt like I was still missing some stuff though, so I decided to hit up Victoria Secret and snag some of their 5 for $25 panties, and then found some ribbon and clothespins to create a string of panties to hang by the "mantle" (read: hotel room wall) along with the stockings. Extra bonus- the bride gets to take that decor home for the honeymoon!
I'm finishing up some posters and a couple other decoratey (totally a real word) ideas to bring along with me. I'm running out of time, so I might have some last minute crafting to do once I get to Austin this weekend. You're allowed to carry a hole punch onto a plane, right?
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