I remember during our stay Mark and I were on the couch watching the Kentucky Derby and Danica Patrick was a guest commentator (beats me why?). Mark commented that he liked her hair and told me (for the umpteenth time) that I should grow my hair out long. I rolled my eyes. Boys don't get it. Long hair is such a pain. Takes forever to blow dry. Gets heavy and just hangs there. Makes you that much more hot in the summer. Takes up a lot of shampoo and conditioner. Sure Danica looked cute with her long dark locks hanging out from under her huge Derby hat, but I knew that wasn't a practical do for an everyday gal like me. So I gave him the answer I was so keen to using whenever I could - "I'll grow my hair out for my wedding. It's not currently on the calendar, so it's a no go for now."
Fast forward one week later and I had the ring on my finger. I am officially growing my hair out. With one year, one week and one day until the wedding (but who's counting?), I'm expecting some serious inches to be added on by the time I walk down the aisle. My hair has always grown pretty fast. Let's just see if I can put up with it for a year.

1 comment:
My hair will not grow past the length is now. Period. It sucks.
You, on the other hand, have gorgeous hair. Grow it out. :)
But no, boys definitely don't get it.
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