Monday, April 13, 2009

A Long Weekend

Happy Post Easter! How excited am I that I am still off from work? I cannot argue with a four day weekend. Today I will be watching Whose Wedding is it Anyways, all day. And eating the entire contents of my Easter basket. Here's a little peek into my holiday:

I was off Friday, so I met Mark for lunch at Houlihan's. Yum. It is my favorite. This was the first time I'd ever eaten lunch there. They have this deal, like a pizza place - get your lunch in 15 minutes or it's free. They actually put a little digital timer on your table and start it after you place your order, so you can make sure they don't go over. We had a Free Entree coupon from Mark's birthday (join their email list), so we got out of there for about $15 and we even ordered TWO desserts! How I love you, Houlihan's.

Friday evening I met the girls for Happy Hour at Gloria's. It was just warm enough to sit out on the patio. Always a good time.

Saturday afternoon Kelly and I drove up to Muenster. When we got there we hit up the shops and I got two adorable new shirts (love shopping with Mom!). Both are tie dyed. I am all over this tie dye trend. I LOVE it. Then we went back home to start Bake Fest 2009. We made: Sundae Pie, brownie bites, cut out cookies (butterflies and Easter eggs), pumpkin bread and cupcakes. I do not know why we felt the need to bake so much. It's not like there was anyone else but us there to eat it all!? And, to make it worse, once we were knee deep in these projects (because yes, we did them all simultaneously.. you should have seen the line for the oven), Mom realizes that some sort of strawberry shortcake spilled in the fridge and had dripped all the way down. Everywhere. You know that gooey jarred strawberry stuff that you put on cakes? It had spilt on the top shelf and run down everything, collecting in the two drawers at the bottom of the fridge. Sticky. Thick. Red. Messy. On everything. Every salad dressing. Every bagged salad. Every vegetable. Every fruit. Every leftover. Everything. So we cleaned out the entire refrigerator as well.

Mark came up Saturday night in time for dinner. He brought his two dogs and they wore out the puppies. All four slept in the garage that night, during one of the loudest thunderstorms I've ever heard. My bed shook from the thunder. The family watched Marley and Me that night. We all cried and hugged our pups an extra time that night. I also brought Gus up for the trip because I have been having major guilt issues about leaving him alone at home so much. He usually does really well at my parents' place. This time he was on freak out mode and walked around the entire time whining. Cat whining is quite annoying.

We all made it to Easter mass Sunday morning, dressed in our Spring time best. Even though it was cold and overcast, we forged on. We crammed in the packed church and sat behind a family with four little girls. They were a handful to say the least. The youngest fell and smacked her head on the wood pew, twice. There were a lot of tears during that service.

The Bunny came when we got home. I got the Ped Egg (so appropriate for Easter, yes?) and Mark got A Barrel of Monkey's. Random? We feasted on pot roast before hitting the road back home. I rode up with my sister so I could ride back with Mark. We didn't think this plan through. Because with his two dogs, my cat and the two of us.. it's not really physically possible in his car. So we rode back with Gus in his carrier on my lap. At least it was a short-ish drive!

Last night I watched The Sound of Music on TV. Perfect ending to an Easter weekend! Mark had NEVER seen this movie. He was quickly annoyed, as I knew every single song. His roommate was also amused and laughed out loud at me. Many times.

This morning, I knew I had to take my car in because it's been leaking something all week. The thought of having to spend more money on my car, 5 days after the new tires, was making my physically ill. I got an oil change at Wal Mart last week. We checked the oil level this morning and it was basically completely empty. So I was ready to fight with Wal Mart. Demand that they fix whatever they did to cause this to happen and fill me back up with oil. I went in with my game face on. They took a quick look at it, told me the lid of plug or stopper or whatever hadn't been tightened all the way. Took all the blame. Fixed it up for me and REFUNDED me for the oil change. They even refunded the flat fix they did as well (which we know did no good). It was icing on the cake. They were so apologetic and told me to drive safe as I left. I love when people are nice. It made my day. So I took the $50 they gave me back and got my car inspected down the road. Please let that be the end of all things car for the year.

Now I'm hanging out at home, enjoying the end of this long break. I've got some fun things in store this week. Mark's test is two weeks away, and then we'll get our old, stress-free lives back. Can't wait.

1 comment:

sara [at] journey of doing said...

Awww... what a fun holiday! I'm jealous you're off, but I have stuff to do today, so it's at least making the day go by faster!

WHO ARE these people who have never seen the Sound of Music??? We watched it at my parents' house on Saturday night... I have a couple friends who have never seen it. Blasphemy.

Way to go collecting your money from the car people... :) You definitely win!

It's almost Wednesday!