Happy March. Where is this year going? I had a really great weekend, until about one hour ago when I started thinking of everything that I have coming up this month and it made me start to freak out. I was trying to read Book Numero 3 of the Twilight series, and my mind kept wondering to all kinds of things. Such as: don't forget to fill out the (incredibly long) paperwork for my visa to go visit China.. what should I get Mark for his birthday later this month... I must make myself get to the gym this week, no matter what... where on earth can I host a party for 200 people on a Saturday night in Dallas for less than $25 per person (work. they give me impossible tasks.)... i need to do laundry. unpack from my trips last week. buy catfood. bake a cake for our (2 year!) anniversary later this week. run the dishwasher. clean out my closet. pay the bills. research a digital camcorder to get for our trip (note: suggestions?? anyone?). AHH. So I finally gave up on Edward and Bella and tried to knock out some of the smaller items racing through my head.
Before all this jumble took over, I had a really wonderful weekend. Friday night Laura and I went to the Mavs game and had such a fun time. They were playing the OKC Thunder, so not only did we get to see a brand new team play, we got to see Texas's FABULOUS Kevin Durant. Except that he got hurt 5 minutes into the first quarter and didn't play the rest of the night. Laura and I were much too involved in conversation to notice this happen, and kept wondering aloud all night why he was never playing. The BF explained to me later that night that he sprained his ankle early on and was out for the entire game. I'm sure those around us thought we were GREAT basketball fans, seeing as how every few minutes I was all "Why isn't Kevin Durant in!?" The game was great though, and we did intently watch the entire 4th quarter AND overtime. And, the Mavs won!
Yesterday Mark and I drove up to my parents' house to see their two new puppies. They just picked up Abby and Banjo, 7 week old border collie puppies. They are quite possibly the cutest things you will ever see. They are sweethearts. The entire fam was home as well, including my brother and (still) unemployed sister. We played a Battle of the Sexes Cranium match last night, which was a lot of fun. Girls won, of course. We were rocking at the Creative Cat. Mark had to act out Titanic at one point, during which he stood on a kitchen chair and re-enacted Leo's "I'm the king of the world!" moment. It. was. classic. On a side note, I watched Titanic late night Friday AND early Saturday morning on TBS this weekend. How I love you, TBS.
We decided to just stay the night in Muenster, so we scored a BBQ lunch with the family today, and then drove back home. I dropped Mark off at his house so he could get in another 4 hours of study time. He is studying to take his PE exam in April. I will spare the explanation of what this is, other than its a very long, hard test which, once he passes it, will make him a "Professional Engineer." What does this mean for me? Very little hang-out time during the next two months and a stressed out BF who has to spend hours every night after work doing sample problems and reading a very large text book that cost him a very large sum of money. Hmm. Kelly and I decided we'd start delivering "Meals on Wheels" dinners to his house, to make sure he is at least still eating.
Gus and I are trying to stay warm in my cold apartment. The 83 degree weather couldn't stick around for the weekend. It never does! I'll end with a picture of the new puppies. I realize this is a very bad picture, but have you every tried to take a picture of two puppies? They don't exactly stop and pose for the camera!
Annnd blogger put the picture at the beginning of the post instead. Whatev. I'm not going to try and move it! Goodnight, friends!
1 comment:
Mark's an engineer? We definitely can be friends. I'm an engineer! I'm not taking my PE though. I could tell you a horror story about when I took the FE... but I'll wait until after Mark takes the PE. The PE is a BEATING. Poor Mark.
You should hang out with me until it's over! :)
I LOVE that you played Cranium. I love that game. :) Great visual with the Titanic. :)
The border collie puppies are ADORABLE!!!!!!
Let's visit about the party... send me an email about what you're looking for (sara.e.miller@gmail.com). I might be able to help with some ideas.
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