We did manage to have some fun this weekend. And this guy did turn 28.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
So much has happened this week.
A week ago today, Mark's dad took his mom to the ER in Bartlesville because she was incoherent when he went to check on her Sunday morning. She'd been having ear pain and bad headaches for a few days before and even went to the after hours clinic twice that weekend for some medication. Throughout Sunday morning, they transferred her to Tulsa and admitted her to the ICU, where we met up with them after a frantic drive up there, worrying and wondering the entire time. Several tests and many doctors later, we learned that she had developed bacterial meningitis from an ear infection that rapidly spread, ate through the bone of her skull, and got to her spinal and brain fluids. I stayed up there until Tuesday, then flew back up Friday after work. Mark and I both drove back home today, after his mom was finally discharged and headed back home.
The first few days were surreal. When you spend 48 hours straight in the hospital, it strangely starts to become normal to you. The ICU had weird visiting hours, so we'd be kicked out for 2-4 hour periods every so often and have to wonder around, killing time. We'd go eat at the Wendy's across the street or sit in the dreadful ICU waiting room with the countless other families. I started wandering around the hospital, just to get away from it all for a while. I went to the 6th floor, where labor and delivery was. I never saw a single baby in that nursery. They must all stay in their mothers' rooms because it was always just rows of empty baby beds. I went to the chapel in the lobby to sit quietly with the small handful of other people who were there, praying for their own family members. I started frequenting the room of vending machines on the second floor - the only 24 hour food service in the building. Anyone who buys a hotdog in a bun from a vending machine must be REALLY hungry. I stuck to the pretzels. I also discovered on the second day that the waiting room for the NICU is incredibly nicer than the one we were in. Light years nicer.
Mark's brother flew back home from Beijing to be with his mom. He left at 4 AM Monday, our time, and got to Tulsa at around 4 PM Tuesday, just as I was leaving. My heart hurt to leave Mark and his dad, but I felt a huge relief once Mike got there. I felt like I was holding them up and once his brother was there, they had someone else to lean on besides each other.
We typically ate two meals a day, skipping either breakfast or lunch and eating a really late dinner. Hence the trips to the vending machines. When you live out of a hospital room, you eat nothing but crap. Wendy's. Olive Garden. Chick-fil-a. McDonalds. I felt horrible eating awful food day after day, meal after meal, but I was so hungry I'd scarf it down without feeling guilty.
When I got back up to Tulsa Friday night, Mark's mom was out of the ICU and in a room on the cardiovascular floor. She was remarkably better when I saw her. Back to normal, talking straight, aware of what was going on, and ready to go home. They actually discharged her on Saturday, but by the time all the paperwork and procedures was complete and she was free to leave, it was snowing like crazy outside. We had the local news on and they were doing a constant live-stream of weather reports. They actually said "do not get on 75 and drive to Bartlesville right now. The roads are awful." So we looked at each and weighed our options. Do we chance it? We sadly decided it wasn't worth the chance, since his mom was still so sick and it would not do her any good to get stranded on the side of the road during a snow storm. So we called the nurses back. Hooked her back up to the monitors. Put her night gown back on. Ordered her dinner to be delivered to the room. And stayed another night. I could tell everyone's spirits were down at the idea of staying one more night, away from their home. But I reminded them we were all together and the five of us got to hang out for another night in a room that was smaller than my college dorm room. We watched the snow fall, and fall, and fall all day. We ate Girl Scout cookies and watched a lot of college basketball. Mark, his dad, his brother and I even ventured out in the snow for a late lunch that afternoon. This Texas girl never sees snow and had a blast trekking through it while it fell all around us.
On top of everything else, Mark's birthday was on Friday, so we did our best to celebrate. His brother and I took him out to dinner that night after we left the hospital and ordered a brownie sundae to serve as his cake. On Saturday night we met up with several of his friends who live in Tulsa to have dinner and drinks with them as well. We also learned that two of his friends are pregnant! Sunday when we finally made it back home, I gave him his presents to open, but by that time we were both so drained and exhausted that it didn’t really feel special anymore. I know he didn’t mind, but I felt like he got a little jipped with all this happening right at his birthday, but it was also a fun to get to see all his friends and family for his birthday, despite the circumstances.
I’m looking forward to an uneventful weekend this week. Mark is frantically trying to catch up on his studying, after losing a full week of his schedule. So I’m staying out of his hair and offering to help clean his house and cook for him whenever he gets bogged down. I think he’ll eventually take me up on the offer. In the meantime, I rented Twilight tonight and am watching it while eating chocolate chips straight out of the bag. It’s just been one of those weeks. But I do think a little chocolate and some vampires could prove to lift my spirits back up.
A week ago today, Mark's dad took his mom to the ER in Bartlesville because she was incoherent when he went to check on her Sunday morning. She'd been having ear pain and bad headaches for a few days before and even went to the after hours clinic twice that weekend for some medication. Throughout Sunday morning, they transferred her to Tulsa and admitted her to the ICU, where we met up with them after a frantic drive up there, worrying and wondering the entire time. Several tests and many doctors later, we learned that she had developed bacterial meningitis from an ear infection that rapidly spread, ate through the bone of her skull, and got to her spinal and brain fluids. I stayed up there until Tuesday, then flew back up Friday after work. Mark and I both drove back home today, after his mom was finally discharged and headed back home.
The first few days were surreal. When you spend 48 hours straight in the hospital, it strangely starts to become normal to you. The ICU had weird visiting hours, so we'd be kicked out for 2-4 hour periods every so often and have to wonder around, killing time. We'd go eat at the Wendy's across the street or sit in the dreadful ICU waiting room with the countless other families. I started wandering around the hospital, just to get away from it all for a while. I went to the 6th floor, where labor and delivery was. I never saw a single baby in that nursery. They must all stay in their mothers' rooms because it was always just rows of empty baby beds. I went to the chapel in the lobby to sit quietly with the small handful of other people who were there, praying for their own family members. I started frequenting the room of vending machines on the second floor - the only 24 hour food service in the building. Anyone who buys a hotdog in a bun from a vending machine must be REALLY hungry. I stuck to the pretzels. I also discovered on the second day that the waiting room for the NICU is incredibly nicer than the one we were in. Light years nicer.
Mark's brother flew back home from Beijing to be with his mom. He left at 4 AM Monday, our time, and got to Tulsa at around 4 PM Tuesday, just as I was leaving. My heart hurt to leave Mark and his dad, but I felt a huge relief once Mike got there. I felt like I was holding them up and once his brother was there, they had someone else to lean on besides each other.
We typically ate two meals a day, skipping either breakfast or lunch and eating a really late dinner. Hence the trips to the vending machines. When you live out of a hospital room, you eat nothing but crap. Wendy's. Olive Garden. Chick-fil-a. McDonalds. I felt horrible eating awful food day after day, meal after meal, but I was so hungry I'd scarf it down without feeling guilty.
When I got back up to Tulsa Friday night, Mark's mom was out of the ICU and in a room on the cardiovascular floor. She was remarkably better when I saw her. Back to normal, talking straight, aware of what was going on, and ready to go home. They actually discharged her on Saturday, but by the time all the paperwork and procedures was complete and she was free to leave, it was snowing like crazy outside. We had the local news on and they were doing a constant live-stream of weather reports. They actually said "do not get on 75 and drive to Bartlesville right now. The roads are awful." So we looked at each and weighed our options. Do we chance it? We sadly decided it wasn't worth the chance, since his mom was still so sick and it would not do her any good to get stranded on the side of the road during a snow storm. So we called the nurses back. Hooked her back up to the monitors. Put her night gown back on. Ordered her dinner to be delivered to the room. And stayed another night. I could tell everyone's spirits were down at the idea of staying one more night, away from their home. But I reminded them we were all together and the five of us got to hang out for another night in a room that was smaller than my college dorm room. We watched the snow fall, and fall, and fall all day. We ate Girl Scout cookies and watched a lot of college basketball. Mark, his dad, his brother and I even ventured out in the snow for a late lunch that afternoon. This Texas girl never sees snow and had a blast trekking through it while it fell all around us.
On top of everything else, Mark's birthday was on Friday, so we did our best to celebrate. His brother and I took him out to dinner that night after we left the hospital and ordered a brownie sundae to serve as his cake. On Saturday night we met up with several of his friends who live in Tulsa to have dinner and drinks with them as well. We also learned that two of his friends are pregnant! Sunday when we finally made it back home, I gave him his presents to open, but by that time we were both so drained and exhausted that it didn’t really feel special anymore. I know he didn’t mind, but I felt like he got a little jipped with all this happening right at his birthday, but it was also a fun to get to see all his friends and family for his birthday, despite the circumstances.
I’m looking forward to an uneventful weekend this week. Mark is frantically trying to catch up on his studying, after losing a full week of his schedule. So I’m staying out of his hair and offering to help clean his house and cook for him whenever he gets bogged down. I think he’ll eventually take me up on the offer. In the meantime, I rented Twilight tonight and am watching it while eating chocolate chips straight out of the bag. It’s just been one of those weeks. But I do think a little chocolate and some vampires could prove to lift my spirits back up.
Blogging Temporarily Delayed...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Happy first day of spring! It's snowing in NYC, which I am watching on the Today show. Today is my last day of Spring Break. Where did this week go?? It feels like it should be Tuesday, not Friday already. Holidays always go so quick.
I spent the first part of this week in Ballinger (think small town, west Texas) where my grandparents live. My mom, aunt and sisters all rode together for this girls weekend. We also brought the two puppies, who, after a first rough hour in the car (puppies do get carsick, in case you were wondering), were wonderful travelers. These little pups are my new best friends. They are so smart and so cute and just smile up at you whenever you play with them. I love puppies.
There's not a whole lot to do in Ballinger. We tried to hit up the town and its shops on Monday, but virtually everything was closed. We made a trip to the "big city" San Angelo on Tuesday and hit up the mall. The entire mall is the size of Macy's at the Galleria, but it gave us something to do. My aunt bought my sisters and I some adorable purses on the sale wrack at JCP and mom got us all new undies at the 7/$25 VS sale. So we didn't make out too bad. We had a pajama party at grandma's house one night, played some Cranium, and took 4 mile walks every morning. I even managed to hold out on the immense amount of cookies and cupcakes that Grandma always provides. One of each a day isn't too bad, eh?
Now that I'm back home, its laundry and unpacking. Joy. I sent most of yesterday shopping for Mark's birthday next week. Then I actually wrapped everything, so i am all set. Today is my dad's birthday. Mom called last night with dinner plans to celebrate Dad and Mark, so we are heading up to Whitesboro tonight (?) to meet them for dinner at some Longhorn restaurant my sister found on the highway. Then there's not much in store for this weekend's plans. Mark wants to study all day every day, so I'm mostly on my own.
I going to be a rock star today and get in an early morning run. The new plan is 5 cardios per week and 2 strength training sessions. I'm on week 2 and so far, so good. It does help to not have work get in the way of these plans, so next week will get tough again. But the nice weather we've been having makes it impossible to not want to get outside and do something!
Ok. This concludes this random post. It's good to be home. The laundry is calling.
I spent the first part of this week in Ballinger (think small town, west Texas) where my grandparents live. My mom, aunt and sisters all rode together for this girls weekend. We also brought the two puppies, who, after a first rough hour in the car (puppies do get carsick, in case you were wondering), were wonderful travelers. These little pups are my new best friends. They are so smart and so cute and just smile up at you whenever you play with them. I love puppies.
There's not a whole lot to do in Ballinger. We tried to hit up the town and its shops on Monday, but virtually everything was closed. We made a trip to the "big city" San Angelo on Tuesday and hit up the mall. The entire mall is the size of Macy's at the Galleria, but it gave us something to do. My aunt bought my sisters and I some adorable purses on the sale wrack at JCP and mom got us all new undies at the 7/$25 VS sale. So we didn't make out too bad. We had a pajama party at grandma's house one night, played some Cranium, and took 4 mile walks every morning. I even managed to hold out on the immense amount of cookies and cupcakes that Grandma always provides. One of each a day isn't too bad, eh?
Now that I'm back home, its laundry and unpacking. Joy. I sent most of yesterday shopping for Mark's birthday next week. Then I actually wrapped everything, so i am all set. Today is my dad's birthday. Mom called last night with dinner plans to celebrate Dad and Mark, so we are heading up to Whitesboro tonight (?) to meet them for dinner at some Longhorn restaurant my sister found on the highway. Then there's not much in store for this weekend's plans. Mark wants to study all day every day, so I'm mostly on my own.
I going to be a rock star today and get in an early morning run. The new plan is 5 cardios per week and 2 strength training sessions. I'm on week 2 and so far, so good. It does help to not have work get in the way of these plans, so next week will get tough again. But the nice weather we've been having makes it impossible to not want to get outside and do something!
Ok. This concludes this random post. It's good to be home. The laundry is calling.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
On the road again..
This is a first. Blogging on the phone, from the road, where we have apparently missed the entire town that we were going to stop at for lunch.
We're nearing ft. Worth. Our tummies are rumbling.
More to come. But in case you've been worried, I am still alive!
We're nearing ft. Worth. Our tummies are rumbling.
More to come. But in case you've been worried, I am still alive!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Dos Anos

Two years ago me and this guy had the DTR talk. I had been waiting and waiting for it to come up, but was much too embarrassed to bring up the topic myself (so very typically me). After about three months of dating, we went out one Saturday night and one of my friends pointedly asked Mark if I was his girlfriend. I pretended not to hear, but he mentioned it to me later that night. I just kind of blew it off, still way too embarrassed to have the conversation. The next day, we were about to go out and get lunch when he casually said, "So about what Laura asked me last night..." My heart stopped in my chest and I decided to play dumb. "Oh what was that? I don't remember?" So he had to spell it out for me and we danced around the "so are you my boyfriend" line and mutually agreed that we did really like each other and that this was a real relationship. Then we went out to get our McDonald's.
Two years later and we still get Mickey D's for special occasions and laugh at how we became "official" while sitting side by side on my old futon. We celebrated our Dos Anos with sushi at Kona Grill, the very place and meal where we had our first date, back in 2006. It doesn't feel like that long ago. But it also feels like we've known each other forever. Cheesy? Yes.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
She Is Love
Today was one of those days. Blew me over, literally. A) work never slowed down for a second and my To Do pile kept growing and growing. B) there was a wind advisory and it was quite blustery. AH. I hate the wind! But, I did find out today that I kind of like the wind when I'm running outside. Instead of blowing my hair all over the place and making it stick to my lips, it instead keeps me cool as I jog in the 80+ degree weather. Which is the best weather, everrrrr.
I have a reason for posting tonight. Do you have $1.49 to splurge on your new favorite song? Get on itunes and buy Parachute, VA's album. It's only two songs. One song, really - two versions. One regular, one acoustic. You'll want them both. The song is called She Is Love and you'll recognize it from the Nivea lotion commercial when the guy is kissing the girl's shoulders or something like that. The song is precious. MB, I think you will especially like it. Perfect late night tune to play as you climb into bed. Like right now :)
I have a reason for posting tonight. Do you have $1.49 to splurge on your new favorite song? Get on itunes and buy Parachute, VA's album. It's only two songs. One song, really - two versions. One regular, one acoustic. You'll want them both. The song is called She Is Love and you'll recognize it from the Nivea lotion commercial when the guy is kissing the girl's shoulders or something like that. The song is precious. MB, I think you will especially like it. Perfect late night tune to play as you climb into bed. Like right now :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Late Night Blogging
10:15. This is late night for me. I am usually half asleep, trying to stay awake for the weather report by this time. I don't know why I'm not tired today. I just watched the 18th hour of the Bachelor for the week. I'm over it. And also a little bummed that Jillian is the next Bachelorette. She didn't really impress me that much. Plus, I think they need to cut this thread of rejects and start fresh. It's gone from Brad to Deanna to Jason to Jillian. I might have to officially give up on this show. I say that, but I probably won't for real. It's a fun thing to watch with friends. We've started g-chatting during the episodes, since we don't all live in the same town and can't watch it all together like we did in college. Plus, if I didn't watch it, what would I talk about at lunch every Tuesday? Sigh.
Tomorrow is Mark and I's two year anniversary. This is also my first time to ever celebrate a two year anniversary. It seems like such a long time. But then again, it does feel like I've known Mark forever. We're getting lunch together to celebrate, which is exciting because it makes the work day a little exciting and gives me a reason to get a little more dressed up than usual. So that will be fun :) He doesn't read this blog (or even know it exists) so I can reveal the amazing gift I got him for the occasion. Ready? A lamp. His first lamp for his house (that he has lived in for four years). He says he doesn't believe in lamps. Thinks they are stupid. I am here to change his mind and show him the true gloriousness of the soft dim glow of a lamp. I LOVE lamps. 99% of the time, I use lamps instead of the overhead lights. I have (mentally counting...) six lamps in my one bedroom/700 square foot apartment. One in the kitchen, one on my desk, two in the living room and two in my bedroom. I would have one in the bathroom as well, but it only has one plug outlet and it would be too annoying to plug and unplug it every morning for the hair dryer/straightener routine. I even have two lamps at my desk at work. Is this a little crazy? Perhaps.
In the spirit of keeping this post completely random, today at work I helped with a pizza party for 45 PreK kiddos, three cars got broken into in our school's parking lot, our phones were down all afternoon and are expected to stay dead until end of the day tomorrow, and the three legged cat bit me (another story for another day). But the good news is that my boss handed me and my two coworkers her school credit card at 12:30 and told us to go get lunch on her. So we had a nice (long) break at corner bakery, My only regret? We didn't get dessert.
Jay Leno's on now. I should so be asleep.
Tomorrow is Mark and I's two year anniversary. This is also my first time to ever celebrate a two year anniversary. It seems like such a long time. But then again, it does feel like I've known Mark forever. We're getting lunch together to celebrate, which is exciting because it makes the work day a little exciting and gives me a reason to get a little more dressed up than usual. So that will be fun :) He doesn't read this blog (or even know it exists) so I can reveal the amazing gift I got him for the occasion. Ready? A lamp. His first lamp for his house (that he has lived in for four years). He says he doesn't believe in lamps. Thinks they are stupid. I am here to change his mind and show him the true gloriousness of the soft dim glow of a lamp. I LOVE lamps. 99% of the time, I use lamps instead of the overhead lights. I have (mentally counting...) six lamps in my one bedroom/700 square foot apartment. One in the kitchen, one on my desk, two in the living room and two in my bedroom. I would have one in the bathroom as well, but it only has one plug outlet and it would be too annoying to plug and unplug it every morning for the hair dryer/straightener routine. I even have two lamps at my desk at work. Is this a little crazy? Perhaps.
In the spirit of keeping this post completely random, today at work I helped with a pizza party for 45 PreK kiddos, three cars got broken into in our school's parking lot, our phones were down all afternoon and are expected to stay dead until end of the day tomorrow, and the three legged cat bit me (another story for another day). But the good news is that my boss handed me and my two coworkers her school credit card at 12:30 and told us to go get lunch on her. So we had a nice (long) break at corner bakery, My only regret? We didn't get dessert.
Jay Leno's on now. I should so be asleep.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Happy March. Where is this year going? I had a really great weekend, until about one hour ago when I started thinking of everything that I have coming up this month and it made me start to freak out. I was trying to read Book Numero 3 of the Twilight series, and my mind kept wondering to all kinds of things. Such as: don't forget to fill out the (incredibly long) paperwork for my visa to go visit China.. what should I get Mark for his birthday later this month... I must make myself get to the gym this week, no matter what... where on earth can I host a party for 200 people on a Saturday night in Dallas for less than $25 per person (work. they give me impossible tasks.)... i need to do laundry. unpack from my trips last week. buy catfood. bake a cake for our (2 year!) anniversary later this week. run the dishwasher. clean out my closet. pay the bills. research a digital camcorder to get for our trip (note: suggestions?? anyone?). AHH. So I finally gave up on Edward and Bella and tried to knock out some of the smaller items racing through my head.
Before all this jumble took over, I had a really wonderful weekend. Friday night Laura and I went to the Mavs game and had such a fun time. They were playing the OKC Thunder, so not only did we get to see a brand new team play, we got to see Texas's FABULOUS Kevin Durant. Except that he got hurt 5 minutes into the first quarter and didn't play the rest of the night. Laura and I were much too involved in conversation to notice this happen, and kept wondering aloud all night why he was never playing. The BF explained to me later that night that he sprained his ankle early on and was out for the entire game. I'm sure those around us thought we were GREAT basketball fans, seeing as how every few minutes I was all "Why isn't Kevin Durant in!?" The game was great though, and we did intently watch the entire 4th quarter AND overtime. And, the Mavs won!
Yesterday Mark and I drove up to my parents' house to see their two new puppies. They just picked up Abby and Banjo, 7 week old border collie puppies. They are quite possibly the cutest things you will ever see. They are sweethearts. The entire fam was home as well, including my brother and (still) unemployed sister. We played a Battle of the Sexes Cranium match last night, which was a lot of fun. Girls won, of course. We were rocking at the Creative Cat. Mark had to act out Titanic at one point, during which he stood on a kitchen chair and re-enacted Leo's "I'm the king of the world!" moment. It. was. classic. On a side note, I watched Titanic late night Friday AND early Saturday morning on TBS this weekend. How I love you, TBS.
We decided to just stay the night in Muenster, so we scored a BBQ lunch with the family today, and then drove back home. I dropped Mark off at his house so he could get in another 4 hours of study time. He is studying to take his PE exam in April. I will spare the explanation of what this is, other than its a very long, hard test which, once he passes it, will make him a "Professional Engineer." What does this mean for me? Very little hang-out time during the next two months and a stressed out BF who has to spend hours every night after work doing sample problems and reading a very large text book that cost him a very large sum of money. Hmm. Kelly and I decided we'd start delivering "Meals on Wheels" dinners to his house, to make sure he is at least still eating.
Gus and I are trying to stay warm in my cold apartment. The 83 degree weather couldn't stick around for the weekend. It never does! I'll end with a picture of the new puppies. I realize this is a very bad picture, but have you every tried to take a picture of two puppies? They don't exactly stop and pose for the camera!
Annnd blogger put the picture at the beginning of the post instead. Whatev. I'm not going to try and move it! Goodnight, friends!
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