Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My next stint as a bridesmaid - excuse me, maid of honor - is exactly one month from tomorrow. the bride has been my best friend since i was five and her wedding is going to be high school reunion 2K8. I'll see people I haven't seen in years and would really like to WOW them with my stunning good looks (kidding..). i have a beautiful dress to wear and a hair appointment with THE up-do girl booked. all that's left to do is lose 5 pounds and tone my arms and shoulders. hmm. better get on that.

a few days ago i ordered the 30 Day Shred and it should arrive tomorrow. I've been reading a lot about it online and apparently it kicks your butt and you start to see results pretty quickly. If I can stick with it and stop eating the Cheeze Its, animal crackers and M&M's at work every day, I think I might be in decent shape. Hold me accountable friends. Call me around 2:00 every afternoon when I start to head towards the snack drawer and tell me to BACK AWAY.

I'll let you know how things are going after Day 5 or so on the Shred. Stay tuned.

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