Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer Do

This one's for Meredith. I cut my hair last week and ever since then it has seemed to me to be VERY SHORT. But you know how you never really know how a haircut looks until you see a picture of yourself? Well this is the first one I've taken so far (by me in a mirror no less), and it just doesn't look that short! It feels like much less, trust me. I cut almost four inches off, according to my trusty stylist. It's great for the summer, since it takes about ten minutes less to blow dry.

And for those of you losing sleep over the state of my apartment, they finally got all the carpet replaced and cleaned last night. It looks very nice. The silver lining of the whole ordeal is that I got all the carpet cleaned, not just the part that got wet. So it looks like brand new carpet throughout! The next step is repairing and retexturing the ceiling where the water came through. This will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday. The good news is I'll be on a beach in Florida while that's happening! I hope to come home to a completely finished project. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Unknown said...

Cute! I just chopped about 4-5 inches off my hair too for the summer-and agree, drying my hair now is so quick!

Anonymous said...

Its sooo cute! Love it!