Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Office

I saw a picture of Sadie's work space on her blog and was intrigued. I love to see where people work and how they set up the spaces that they spend 40+ hours in each week. Like that lamp that she has on her desk? I have the same one at home in my kitchen (like the shower curtains, our tastes are one in the same!). So I snapped some shots of my little corner of the office to share with everyone. Please do the same in your offices! I need some new ideas to spruce this place up.

Please try to read my tiny font...

I see now that it is virtually impossible to read all that! Bah! You can see my little nook in the room, which has three desks in it: me, Marketing Girl and Annual Giving Girl (Sarah). Sarah and my desk back up to each other, so she is right behind me. You can barely see, but I've got pictures of me and Mark, my family at my UT graduation, a postcard from Sadie and some pottery that I painted back in college. Ok... now your turn! Show me where you work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awe, glad I could be an inspiration-I will take some more photos today, it's Friday :)