- all expense paid cruise for two on Carnival Cruise lines
- cell phone
- $200 Blockbuster gift card
- $190 in a quarter slot machine.. on one quarter!
- SAT prep book (in high school, awesome)
- designer handbag
- concert tickets from calling in on the radio
- countless bridal shower games… usually just the luck of the draw
I know there’s more. I just can’t think of it all right now. I will add to the list as I remember more, so check back if you are so intrigued. My most recent victory really came in handy this holiday season. Every year my school puts up a great big Christmas tree in our commons area. The tree is a ten foot tall pre-lit monster of a tree that is always completely decorated in red ornaments. This year, someone in the higher up offices decided that ten feet is just not tall enough for our school. We needed a twelve foot tree. And all those red ornaments just aren’t cutting it anymore. We needed new ones! So someone made a trip to Home Depot and bought all brand new stuff. In early November, an email was sent out to all the employees saying they were going to give away the old tree and all its ornaments and to let them know if we wanted to be included in the drawing.
I’m sure you know where this is going.
I of course responded to the email to get into the drawing. I almost added a line at the end of the email. I know I am going to win this tree. Don’t bother having the drawing, just give it to me! But I didn’t. I do believe in jinxing my luck.
So two weeks before Thanksgiving I came home with the world’s largest Christmas tree and three plastic tubs of red ornaments. They did indeed draw my name. There was no way that tree was going to fit in my apartment, so I traded trees with Mark. He took the ten foot monster, and I took his little skinny five footer. Mine took about ten minutes to put up and decorate, his took about two weeks. Here it is in all his glory, as Mark squishes the star on top.

1 comment:
you are a lucky girl! that is one Texas-sized tree! Have you won the Jack Daniel's office pool yet? maybe '08 is your year!?
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