The quest to find Gus wasn't easy. There are tons of homeless kitties out there that need owners, right? All I have to do is show up at a shelter and they will hand one over, right? Wrong! Friday night I had an actual appointment to meet with a lady who fosters cats. She had a cat named Tulsa who I found on PetFinder and thought would be a good cat for me. This lady was the epitome of a Cat Lady. She had nineteen cats living in her house. Nineteen. She informed me that they travel in packs, just like wild cats. The two packs do not get along and therefore must be fed and kept in separate rooms. Needless to say, I opted not to adopt one of her gang member cats.
Saturday morning, before heading to SMU, Mark and I swung by Petsmart to check out their adoption fair. That's where I found Gus. I saw him sitting in his cage and knew he was the guy for me. Even when I held him at the fair, he was so calm and so sweet and would just let me pet him forever. So I filled out the paperwork, bought a litterbox and some food and less than one hour later, I was walking out with Gus in a cardboard box and a car full of supplies! He's been home for almost two days now. So out of those 40 hours, he has spent 39.5 of them under my bed. The poor little guy is terrified and won't come out unless I reach under there and drag him. Once he is out though, he's just as happy as can be and will sit on my lap and even roll over for a belly rub. I've just got to get him used to his new home and I'm sure we'll be the best of friends!

This is where I hide all day!
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