Well.. I'm back. For now, at least. The wedding is a mere 18 days away. Whoa. I can't believe our countdown is a) in the double digits, much less b) starting with the number one. (!!) I go from being beyond excited that
It's here!! to being sick to my stomach that....
ohmygosh. people are going to come. what if they don't have a good time?! One thing's for sure. I know I am ready to marry this boy and start this new life together.
With the countdown dropping and my To Do List staring me in the face, I find myself trying to speed-learn adobe illustrator, bargain with Mark to add one more detail, tie a bow that doesn't look limp and lifeless and finally read the fine print on all our vendor contracts (what do you mean we can't bring our own chairs to the reception site?! [mini heart attack follows.]) I am putting out fires with some wacky small-town church ladies, making the trip to Hobby Lobby for the 14th time this week and waking up in the middle of the night thinking "what if the piano player doesn't know our version of this-and-that song?!?"
The closer it gets, the more surreal it feels. I'm used to going to other people's weddings. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like to be
my wedding. Will everything get done between now and then? Probably not. But that's okay. Because even if every pew doesn't have a pomander on it, or if every table doesn't have a candle on it, or if every person doesn't leave with a program, at the end of the day, I'll still get to be a wife.
A wife. Wow.