What I'm doing:- Baking cupcakes for Maggie and Jordan's birthday. They are Mark's two labs and they are turning seven. Last year I made them sugar cookies shaped like dog bones. This year, they get carrot cake cupcakes - totally safe for doggies to eat.
- Watching the Olympics. I love the Olympics! I'm watching swimming and hoping to stay awake for all of the girls gymnastics finals. The time difference makes for some late start times!
- Laundry. woo hoo.
What I've been doing:
- I cleaned out my closet this weekend and took some stuff to Plato's Closet, a resale shop that buys your old clothes and resells it. I was hoping to make a bit of cash and then go shopping, as I want to get some new work clothes before school starts. They gave me a whopping $7 for a mere 3 things that I brought in. Well. That bought me lunch at the mall food court. Awesome.
- I hit up the Outlet Mall anyway and came away with some good buys. I did best at Gap and Banana Republic (although I wish I had a discount and tax free like Sadie!)
- Being swanky celebrating birthdays at Sambuca
- Spending some quality time at the car dealership while Mark traded in his old Accord for the 2008 model. It's nice.
What I will be doing:
- Working on Friday, for the first time since May. Oh Boo. But, they are feeding us breakfast and lunch that day, so I guess I'll survive.
- Babysitting this Saturday, to earn a little more cash, since Plato's Closet was such a disappointment.
- Hitting up the first DG Dallas Alumni happy hour of they year. Now that I'm not an officer in the group and forced to attend every event, I'm actually looking forward to it much more than last year.