Earlier this week I did something I swore to myself in eighth grade I would never do again - cut bangs. After the anguish of starting high school with half way grown out ones, I vowed I would never go short again. But then I started watching Lipstick Jungle and couldn't get over Victory Ford's too cute cut, so I took every picture I could find of her to my stylist and chopped them off. I was a little nervous going into it and it didn't help that as she cut my hair she kept making comments like "wow you're losing a lot of hair!" and "oh you want to look like a teenager again." It's been three days with the new do and I still can't quite figure out how to do them just right. Yesterday I went wavy:
Then today, I went straight:I don't know which way I'll stick with yet. I am not even 100% sold on the bangs yet. Oh and these pictures were both snapped covertly at work, so please excuse the one handed self-portraits with the bad office lighting.